The Line

Monday 30 April at 1021 | Posted in Life, Personal | 7 Comments

Or “If I’d paid the bill could could this be my fame?”

Well I just stepped outside to pick up some sausage and bagels for breakfast. Not all for me. Unfortunately 😦

In the queue at the deli, in front of me was Trevor McDonald. I forgot he was a Sir. I smiled. He smiled. I felt an unspoken connection grow between us.

A post man stopped in to the shop to get a autograph. His name was Mike. The autograph wasnt off me, but off Trevor. I’d of easily obliged though.

“To Mike,
I’m waiting for breakfast. Why didnt you get Trevor’s autograph instead.
The Boy Who Likes To (eat breakfast.)”

As I headed back to my office, I noticed across the giant gap in the middle of the building, a camera crew. Perhaps Old Sir McDonald is doing a “Tonight Special” in the building. Perhaps I should go over and ask if I can nochalantly walk past during the report.

News crew
I can’t see Sir Trevor here.

I’ve never nochalantly walked before. I hope I wouldn’t nochalantly fall.

Maybe the office will have a message over the tannoy system at the end of the day. Simply announcing

“Sir Trevor has left the building.”

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