I spy with my little eye

Tuesday 05 February at 1100 | Posted in Blogroll, Lifestyle, Personal | 9 Comments

I have just recently found out how I can tell how many people are using certain Aggregators to read my blog.

This is mainly for those who like to know blog stats and numbers.

Unfortunately there isn’t one single place you can go to to get all the feed numbers for your site, you have to visit each aggregator and get the numbers one by one.

The two major web ones at present are Bloglines and my personnel favourite Google Reader, and both have easy ways of being able to tell how many people are using their own web application.

Both are pretty straight forward, although I think for the Google one you NEED a Google account.

For Bloglines, you just head over to their website, change the search type to “Search for Feeds,” enter in the first part of your blog name, ie ‘theboywholikesto’ and hit search and voila…

4 subscribers via Bloglines.

If you have a Google account you just need to head over to Google Reader, I don’t think it matters whether you have set up a Google Reader account, I think Google automatically set it up for you once you have a Google account.
To find out how many readers are using Google Reader all you have to do is click on “Add Subscription” again type in the first part of your blog name, ie ‘theboywholikesto’ and hey presto!

17 subscribers via Google Reader.

There we have it.
Obviously this is just two aggregators out of hundreds of different ones like I say. It’s just the two major web ones.

Of course you can also type in the name of your friends blogs and check out your stats compared to theres and see who is most popular out of all your friends.

For example I can tell that Olly over at Electric Pig has 5 subscribers via Google Reader. Which I think is a mighty shame as Olly is one of the blogs I have regularly read over the last, coming up to 5 years now, and his adventures in Japan have been pretty awesome. As well as his updated when necessary features about the wonderful and strange tastes of Japanese chocolates and McDonalds.
If you like gorgeous photos of foreign lands I highly recommend you check out Electric Pig.

Unfortunately Google or Bloglines don’t tell you whois RSSing you though. That you’ll have to guess.

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