Ok. So. Christmas.

Thursday 28 December at 1330 | Posted in Life, London, Personal, Rants | 8 Comments

Well its over. Less then  year to go till the next one. All that is left is to eat all the turkey butties, finish of the remainder of the alcohol and get annoyed by bargain shoppers. Damn them!

The boy who likes to take a break from taking a break.

Firstly I’ve ate too much turkey. Too much turkey butties to be exact. If I don’t see another turkey butty for the rest of the year Ill be a happy man.

I took a 4 hour coach home last night, I’m spending less then 24 hours at “home” before heading back on a 4 hour coach ride to London for New Years with the missus. Why? I have to work one bloody day in work and now I’m stuck here till 6pm. Arse.

But Christmas, so I got muchos presents,

DVDs, Curb Your Enthusiasm series 1 to 4, can’t wait to get this home and watch it proper. The missus is getting annoyed now at this DVD and would be happy if she never watched it again. Spellbound, great movie about a spelling bee. Some hilarious scenes. Spirited Away, I’ve wanted this movie for a long time. Now I have it and it’s on BBC2 on Saturday. I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie.
Some CD’s Nina Simone and Gnarls. Books, Philip K Dick, Man in the High Castle. My all time favourite book. Ever. Fact. I lost my copy, or lent it to a friend, but now I have another. Hopefully the missus will like this more then what she read of Catch22 otherwise she may never trust my judgement in books, (like she doesnt trust my judgement in TV shows, see above, or music 😀 haha) Also some Mighty Boosh stuff, mousepad and badges “I am the moon.” And I got a computer game. One went missing, it was a gift of the missus parents. When they couldn’t find it they went and bought me another game for my Wii. Very nice indeed.
My main present was an electric shaver. I’ve wanted one of these for a while now. It’s not been long since I started (close) shaving, only a few weeks. About the same amount of time Ive seen the missus for. Sometimes I can have good shaves. But mainly I’m getting rashes and slashing my neck lots. So It would be nice to have a shave without finishing with a red neck.
But I’ve not had chance to use it. For somereason (if anyone knows why please tell me) the razor has a two pin plug. I know this is what all razors and electric toothbrushes have, but I dont know why? There were no adapters in missus house for an electric razor and I only got one yesterday as I left London to come home. But I know that the razor will be charged for when I get back to the missus and it sounds like she is as much excited about using this as I am. I hope she hasnt gone and used it on her legs. No way.

 So Ive done nothing much else apart from sit, eat, drink play games, watch DVD’s.  Other highlights were, drinking almost all my ration of alcohol within half the time (even I thought that Id manage to drink so much so quick) winning a few pieces of “pie” in Trival Pursuit ‘Boys vs Girls’, including the winning piece. I did go out on Christmas Eve, but this was cut short as my allergies started to play up while we were in the pub. Im allergic to animal hair and there ahd been dogs either allowed in the or living in the pub. Either way I was finding it hard to breathe so had to leave.

Fingers crossed they dont let any dogs in the place were we are going for New Years.

So Ill be gone again this evening until next year. So will again be very quiet around here.

So Happy New Year to all of my readers. Have a great night out, but be safe.

Tired. Very tired.

Thursday 28 December at 0838 | Posted in Life, Personal | 3 Comments

Well I’m back from London, for work, for one day’s work. I’ll be spending less then 24 hours up hear before heading back down South. Thats alot of travel.
But one thing about being in work while it’s dead, it gives me a chance to catch up on the last 7 days of blogging.
It may be old news, but its still news.

The New Year

Thursday 21 December at 1727 | Posted in Life, London, Personal, Wii | 14 Comments

Well 2006 is almost about to close in on us like a fat man sitting down real fast. But 2007 is about to start, like a fat man in a candy shop.
Fingers crossed no fat men see me soon otherwise I won’t be seeing the end of 2006.

The boy who likes to live.

So the things that I am looking forward to next year, are;
Top of my list. This has to be moving. To the Big Smoke. London. Can’t wait. Despite trying to reassure the missus that the move isn’t just for her, it is. I love her much and I can’t wait to be closer to her and spend more time with her.
Although (to make the missus happy) moving to London has other advantages to it. Make new friends. Get in touch with old friends that have moved there. And more oportunities for work and pleasure, concerts, gigs, nights out and nights in with the missus. And everything that comes with living in the 24 hour, busy, lively Capital that is London.

Next is my Wii. Yes I got this this year. But it’s new and it’s not all there. Its the kind of thing that is going to grow as it get’s older. A bit like my own little baby. Except I’ve given my a stupid name.
But at the moment there isn’t much to do. There is limited games as it is new, and limited technology. But only the other day I got a “Forecast Channel” on the Wii so I could see the weather. How I arrrrrhed at it, like a proud father would. I even made the missus listen to its “cute little noises” down the phone.
But I guess this could really be titled “Playing more with Wii.”

I have two of them in the pipeline. First is Scotland. Somewhere very remote. So remote its going to take me two days to get to the cabin from the car park.
The other is Spain (I think) Somewhere hot. The missus needs her Sun light and tanning. I’m not complaining as she likes to go topless on the beach. I’m all for that! Best keep a towel handy to cover up an embarrassing “happenings.”

I’ve spent almost as long waiting for a Wii as I have for the New Radiohead album.
Yes, Thom Yorke did bring out a genius piece of solo work. Yes, I may of already heard some variety of all the songs off the new album played live, thanks to downloads. Yes, I did go and catch them at V it what I described as the  greatest performence I have ever seen. But that doesn’t mean they can slack of and not bring me an album next year. It’s been taking them ages now. I’m getting a little impatient.

Series 7 finally came out. After waiting almost a year for it. And each time I watch it gets better and better. I found my sides killing while watching The Gum episode the other night.
So what next? Well there are two series left for Seinfeld people to release on DVD. Not only that the missus has finally caught on to how funny it is. She has even had a few laugh out really loud moments thanks to Kramer. (It appeared that the old and dull looking sets put her off the show) That can only mean watching them all again from series 1.
If anyone is looking for a new box set I highly recommend any Seinfeld series. For those that aren’t the biggest of fans anything after series 4. But they are being sold in lots of places at half price. Go buy two.

Other mentions go to;
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah gig – Possibly my last night out in the North for a while.
Faithless gig – The missus was almost mad at me for catching these live at V. They were awsome. Possibly my first gig in London
More holidays – I got a taster of a weekend away in Vienna last year. Very much looking out for cheap deals again next year.
Games – Apart from Wii ones, I can’t forget about my DS. Although now I wont need to do any long journeys to the missus anymore doesn’t mean I should abandon this cute piece of hardware. And there are some decent games coming out for it.
Football – I’ll be closer to Stamford Bridge. I can go to any weekday games that haven’t sold out on the spare of the moment. Very much looking forward to this. All I need is someone to agree to come along.

Well I think this is about it from me for 2006. I’ll be off soon to head to the missus for Christmas and New Year. Not looking forward to the train Friday evening. Yikes. But things may be a little quiet around here until the New Year (unless something really exciting happens that I need to tell people).

So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Christmas? Bah humbug

Wednesday 20 December at 1451 | Posted in Life | 12 Comments

I’m starting to hate Christmas. I think the nights out are giving it a bad name.

The boy who likes to party, in moderation.

I like Christmas I really do. If I could spend the entire Christmas period eating turkey butties, drinking beer sat in front of a roaring fire and playing some Wii with the missus. That Christmas would be great.
But instead there is parties. Lots and lots of parties. And I don’t want to crash the Christmas festivity plane, but there are too many parties.
First there is work, one for all. Then there is work, but only for my team.
Then there is friends. A night out on Christmas Eve. A different night out with those that can’t make. A night out with old friends. And a night out with new friends.
Despite taking in to account all the Christmas presents buying and New Year party alot of money is spent on Christmas nights out, only because its Christmas. And all these meals/parties/drinks happen within a two week period.
I mean if someone asks if I fancy a drink? Sure
A meal? Sure
A party? Why yes. I might as well.
But all of these and more within a very very short time period? Ouch my poor wallet.

Anyway, we have are works team meal thing tonight. Fingers crossed someone, anyone, makes an early exit as then I can use there exit for myself.

Well I was able to pick up some nice lingerie for the missus. Not only did I find something that ticked all the boxes that I liked, but also what the missus would wear more then just the once, but it was also gift wrapped for me. Excellent! Less work for me.

Quick question before I go.
Is she really sneezingIf someone where to almost sneeze, like when they are going to sneeze but stop themselves but still make a “ghn” sound. Would you use manners and still say “bless you,” (or one of the many others)?
Would you use just half of an expression?

If someone were to make some throaty noise, scrunch up their face and become all tense, is it correct to say;


Misletoe and Merry Kissmas*

Wednesday 20 December at 0816 | Posted in Humour, Life, Personal | 12 Comments

Continuing Bluesoups Misletoe Campaign to get more misletoe out there this year, here is a photo of me preparing for the rush when girls know I’ll be handing out Kisses under the Misletoe this year.

Me preparing my misletoe
“Stand back Shep. Stand waaaaaaay back”

So here is a snog under the misletoe for all readers, and make sure you snog someone you fancy under misletoe this Kissmas.

*Shamelessly stolen from Bluesoup.

PS. Turns out I may not have any trouble with finding the perfect underwear for the missus, apperently there is a “Knicker Snap” craze going on that I did not know about. Why was this kept from me?
Best clear some photo space on the phone ready for some ideas of what the missus likes 😉 haha

Christmas shopping like never before.

Tuesday 19 December at 1430 | Posted in Life, Personal | 9 Comments

I’ve just been to do a bit of Christmas shopping. I have one gift left to get. Why has this one turned in to the hardest one?

The boy who likes to give.

So I’ve just been out in the town centre to pick up the last of the Missus presents. Despite Christmas shopping zombiesnormally hating Christmas shopping as
a) I never know what to buy
b) queues for the till when you finally do find something
most important
c) stupid stupid people.

What is it about shoppers, especially around Christmas time, that make them walk around like mindless zombies looking for something? What they are looking for is unknown to me, and most likely unknown to them. Shoppers just seem to stare open mouthed at the furthest wall away from them. I’m sure I saw one zombie shopper drool.

But that’s not what I want to talk about.
Continue reading to see what did frustrate me>>

A pre Christmas Christmas weekend and lost bags.

Monday 18 December at 1310 | Posted in Life | 14 Comments

So I got to have a pre-Christmas, opening presents, eating big dinners* but it wasn’t all smiles.

The boy who likes Christmas.

With me getting to spend Christmas with my beautiful missus round her neck of the woods, this weekend we spent some time with my mum and family. I was all pack, I had my presents for everyone, I was most looking forward to watching my neice open up her Button Moon DVD. I took along a Wii controller for when I went to see an old friend as he had told me he had a Wii also. So with presents, toys and clothes packed I set off “back home” straight after work. This did mean though that I missed the work Christmas do. Nevermind.
So I jumped on part one of the two part train journey “back home.” As I was getting to the connecting city I was unsure which of the two stops in this city I was suppose to get off? So after thinking for about 5 minutes while the train pulled up to the first station I recognised it and jumped off. A few minutes later the second and last train home approached, I jumped on and let my mums husband know I was doing ok for time. Thats when it hit me. I was all of a sudden filled with dread. After spending so much time debating which train to get and jumping off I had completely forgotten to pick up my bag. The one with all the presents and toys in. This was not good at all. I made a few phone calls to stations but nothing. No bag had been turned in. I was told to leave it 7 days before giving up hope. This is day 1. Fingers crossed.
So with no clothes, washing up stuff and most important no presents we made a quick dash to the local supermarket to get some weekend gear.

Apart from that one down side to the weekend the rest of it picked up on Saturday. Some additional Christmas shopping followed by pub dinner round my old local. Got to catch up with some old friends and get the latest gossip. Few people are engaged, some a pregnant, new jobs, etc..
A night out on Saturday night. Nothing too late, but its good to catch up with missed friends. Especially the ones that make promises to “come visit the new place.”
As well as getting some standard Christmas presents, ie shower gel, body spray there was a lack of underwear this year??? Weird.
Everyone was ok with not getting presents. They just hoped I got my bag back. although my mum was giving me a bit of a hard time about not getting her UB40 album.

But thanks to the good nature and the great imagination of the missus we were able to come up with a present for my neice. I may still even buy her another copy of Button Moon as she danced so well when she first heard about it.

Fingers crossed that I don’t forget my bag this weekend. Not only will it have another Wii controller in it, but a complete Wii. More important it will have the missus presents in. I’m guessing she might not be as forgiving as my mum.

*I’m from the North, to me a dinner is the same as lunch. And your dinner is my tea. Got it?

My view on this copycat Ripper

Friday 15 December at 1504 | Posted in Life | 9 Comments

The Times has an artice, which goes on about how the police have some clues, how the police have taken evidence and statements and how a hundred special detectives are going to help out with this.

Amongst the article are two things that got my attention.

First, the times reports that
“The killer, or killers, seem to have a good grasp of forensic science — dumping two of the victims in water, which can destroy DNA evidence, and stripping them of their clothes; ”
Now this to me doesn’t sound like the “special” detectives are doing a good job. Dumping less then half of the bodies in water doesnt show a good grasp of forensic science. It just shows that the guy was trying to get rid of some bodies.
Good knowledge would  show him dumping all bodies in the water, at least.

Next is;
“A claim from a prostitute that the killer could be a “chubby man” driving a blue BMW. A friend of the third victim to be found, Anneli Alderton, told officers that she saw the man driving away with Ms Alderton beside him. ”
When I read this, I counldn’t help but imagine the scene when the catch the killer and are driving him to the the station. In the front of the car the two cops start singing this great song by Bowie/Gervias.

Now, everyone

Little fat man who sold his soul, little fat man who sold his dream, chubby little loser…Chubby little loser. National joke…Pathetic little fat man, no one’s bloody laughing, the clown that no one laughs at, they all just wish he’d die.
He’s so depressed at being useless, the fatman takes his own life.
He’s so depressed at being hated, fatty takes his own life.”

A long wait for stupid people

Friday 15 December at 1250 | Posted in Life, Rants | 7 Comments

Today was my first time being late in to work. This was due to me having to wait 50 minutes for a bus. According to the bus companys own timetable, this is “on average” 40 minutes longer then I should normally be waiting.
But my gripe is not with the bus company.

The boy who likes to let off steam.

Many buses were over crowded.So I have to admit first that there wasn’t just one bus that past in 50 minutes. There were about 3 or 4. One of those did stop, but only let on a few people before the drive declared “sorry, we’re full.” All the other buses were too full to even stop.
But while I was waiting in the queue, under a bus shelter may I point out, that the girl in front of me had her umbrella up. She had been queuing up outside the bus shelter so thats why she had her umbrella up, but once she was under the shlter she stil had it up. This went on for a few minutes before she took it down. I was prett happy as being behind her it was getting in my face. But after only a few minutes she asked if I could “watch out” as she wanted to put up her umbrella again. Why? It wasn’t even raining that much, it was more of a light spray or drizzle.
I think she muttered something about “stopping the rain getting on her face.” What rain? Where?
If this was the reason, then she is an Original Diva. Continue Reading about my public transport hates

Playing with toys earlier.

Thursday 14 December at 1150 | Posted in Life | 9 Comments

If you already have Christmas toys hidden away and you play with them before Christmas, does Santa still know and can they be taken from you?

The boy who likes to receive gifts. Yessssssssssssss

 Chrismtas presentA few years ago, long enough ago that I was still living with my mum, I got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas.
I knew my mum had bought it a few weeks earlier and so I had bought some memory cards and other stuff for it.
But I did something naughty. When my mum was at work I’d come home from school on my dinner hour (I lived around the corner from my school) or after work, get out the N64 and play on James Bond.
By time Christmas had come I had already completed half of the game on easy setting. Although I don’t think my mum would of noticed.

Now this year, although I can’t sneak in to my mum’s house to see what (if any) presents I have, the presents I have bought for other people I really want to play with. I opened up my neice’s DVD and watched some of Button Moon. And the missus has some toys that I really want to play with before wrapping them?
Father ChristmasIf I were to play on them would Santa know? He didn’t take away my N64 many years ago, but who is to say he will be lenient again?

In other news it seems that I won’t be going to Edinburgh for pre Christmas work.
This means now that I can;
a) Not worry about missing my train to London for Christmas
b) Play more on my Wii
c) Go to the departments Christmas meal and afterwards drinks. 😛 Nice

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