Bits of everything

Friday 28 September at 1207 | Posted in Life, Lifestyle, Music, Personal | 5 Comments

Or “How to get by on history”

So more CV sending in done today. Although I have been for two interviews, only with agencies. Both look like goo dthings could come of them. One more then the other.

Having sent off my CV quite alot recently I have had a few comments about it. One or two people have spoke about the long list of temporary jobs I have had. Some have commented on good of a CV I have – in relation to the jobs I have applied for.
But I got my best compliment about my CV today. Having been in to see one agency the consultant turns to me at the end and says

You have a really good CV. It’s really well formatted. Alot of the CVs I get in are hard to edit because of the layout. But your CV is really well formatted.

Thanks 🙂

So fingers crossed.

In other news. I have been listening to the Klaxons album today. I commented on a few blogs a few weeks back that I felt the Klaxons shouldn’t have won the Mercury Music Prize. Although my point couldn’t of been that strong as I hadn’t heard the whole album, just the singles. But based on what I had heard it hadn’t made me want to go out and buy the album. The Mercury Prize could of gone to someone better, say perhaps Winehouse.
So today I’ve been listening to the album and I can confidently say that my view still stands. Klaxons should not of won the Mercury Music Prize. Not to say that the album is bad. Its ok. But if the best album of last year that the UK churned out was this then we had better do better next year.

Although PJ Harvey has just released a new album, White Chalk, which I picked up today. I listened to half of it, wrestled with my thoughts and gave in to the idea of stop listening to the album so I can quickly put it on my mp3 player and get back to listening to it.
Although I know that PJ Harvey won’t win next year already. She won it about 5 years ago with the fantastic Stories of the City, Stories of the Sea. If you haven’t heard it then go pick it up. You should be able to get it on the cheap now. Also it would be her fourth album nominated and as we know bands that have multiple nominations hardly ever win.
Which is why Radiohead won’t win, despite the fact that I already know that the album will be genius. If you don’t believe me check out Videotape and 15 Step over on youtube. It’s probably the album I’ve waited longest to hear and the album I’ve been most anticipating, ever, period. I first commented on waiting to hear the new album back in 1995 2005 after hearing a few new tracks.

But one artist I do have high hopes for next year is Adele, check out her myspace page. Fantastic singer, song writer all in all some really good songs. As long as she doesn’t turn in to a big gob, Lily Allen Im looking at you, then she should be one for the future.

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