What harm is a little white lie?

Wednesday 26 September at 1411 | Posted in Life, London, Personal, Work | 10 Comments

Well it’s been almost a week. Things could be going better.

You’d think with nothing much to do I would be able to spend more time on here and keeping up to date on people’s blogs.  But most of my online time has been spent job hunting. And after a while it gets a bit exhaustive so I have to recover by doing anything at all that isn’t sitting on the internet.

So like I was saying, things could be better. After finishing work Thursday I spent the evening sending off my CV. I got a few calls back on Friday and rushed in to The City to see a few agencies.

Funny story, while at one agency and going though an assessment with two other people I was asked which of the many £6.50ph jobs I would prefer. The only difference between the many jobs being offered at this large call centre was the working hours. They ranged from 7am till 3. 3pm till 11. 11am till 7. and some random half day ones. So after being honest and telling the recruitment consultant that none of them where suitable he then goes to offer some hidden option c. A 9 to 5, £19,500 job.

The weekend was spent entertaining my mother and sister. A good night was had by all. I spent a little time Sunday researching for the Hidden Option C job.

Monday I sent off my CV to a whole bunch more places. I went for interview one at Hidden Option C. Things could of gone better. I got soaked. Forgot my bus pass. Had to run home to pick up pass (and put on some dry pants) and rushed back out so not to waist too much time. Their where queues on the road while heading to the train station. The trains where running slow. Victoria underground was a little overcrowded as one of the entrances had to be closed due to flooding. I managed to get to the interview with a few monites to spare.
The interviewer on the other hand kept me waiting for an hour and half. That certainly wasn’t a fun time sitting around a recpetion.

Have you ever sat in a reception area waiting for a long time for an interview and thought, “should I just go?” I felt like that after waiting 20 minutes. But once that passed I thought about many things, like should I just go to sleep? Will I dry by time the interviewer arrives? Is this receptionist as as snotty when out of work then she is in work?

During the interview I figured I would be honest. I explained that I had been dismissed from my previous job. I figured it was easy to do that then trying to think up a lie to explain why I was no longer in work. They said they would get back to me.

Tuesday was pretty quiet. Sent my CV off even more. I had no phone calls. It was very quiet.

Today hasn’t been any different. More CVs sent off. No calls as yet. I can’t find any more jobs to apply for that I already haven’t applied for on the sites that I use.

My mornings seem to have gotten in to a routine. Spend an hour or so applying for jobs on websites. Then sit back and hear nothing back.

I did call the agency about Secret Option C job as it had been a while. They told me that they had a problem with me being dismissed from my previous job so wouldn’t be taking my application further.

So should I lie in interviews about my last job? The HR department of my last job have said they will not say why I left, only that I worked those dates.
So what’s a little white lie to get me through interviews?

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